Throughout this process of sudden abdominal piercing pain, then feeling fine, and then progressively and more frequently the pain intensifies I have been researching and talking to friends and medical professionals. Going into surgery is not a light and easy decision. It hasn’t gotten any easier with this one either, my 4th major surgery. How do you know it’s the right decision for you? What if I am missing information I don’t know about? There are so many uncertainties and risks either way. The only thing we can do is “make a decision and make it the right decision.” One of my favorite quotes by Holton Buggs.
I was recently at a fun outdoor gathering. I said hello to an acquaintance, he asked how I was doing. I stated I was going to be having surgery soon. His initial reaction was to cringe with disgust as I barely finished my sentence. He then proceeded to tell me there are so many holistic options and alternative treatments without asking how I felt about it or asking to understand what was truly going on. I really wish people would stop to question and listen before reacting and forcing their opinion on you. However, this interaction was one of the many conversations that solidified my decision. If this person had just asked how I felt about it, I would have been able to have a very different and maybe more productive conversation.
I am already more inclined to holistic and natural ways to heal. I believe our bodies are capable to regenerate and self-heal given the nutrients, treatments, and time which I already do a lot of. I also believe that we have the medical technology to help us in acute situations. Given the choice, I prefer the natural way, but I also balance it with information and opinions by properly educated individuals I trust as well as knowing my own body. Through my extensive 30+ years of experience with my health, I know the cadence of my body; every different type of familiar pain and cycle. When a new pain is introduced, I can usually identify quickly if it’s something I can nurse myself or if I need more professional attention. It has been a long-time concern of mine that I would misidentify a pain and have complications, so I pay close attention. After many years of REALLY listening to my body and doing extensive research into the different options, I feel confident that I know what is right for me.
At the pre-surgical appointment the doctor, Joe, and I discussed all the options based on western medicine. I had already discussed other options with my chiropractor and many other medical people I trust. One option was to use birth control and hormone replacement medications. I know that is not right for me because of the previous allergic reactions I’ve had with medications. Sometimes dietary changes and herbs can ease the pain. Medication and natural methods both have long periods of time and experimentation that I am not willing to endure. The type of cyst I have also carries a higher risk of cancer along with my age and other factors. At some point, I must find comfort in my decision and know it is the right decision for me. I will be going into the surgery at peace (as much as I can, surgery is still scary!)
If you are going through a similar decision, you have to go inward and come to peace with your decision, “make it the right decision.” There is so much information and people’s opinions that listening to it all can be more stressful and overwhelming. But there is comfort in trusting the processes and your journey. If you haven’t done personal development, meditation, or just quieting your mind to listen to yourself, now might be the time to start. I feel the more peaceful you go into the surgery, the better you will heal from it. Do whatever you can to find as much peace as you can.
I use humor to help me cope with pain and stress. Sometimes the doctors don’t take me seriously, so I have to warn them. Anyway, when I heard the name of my surgery, I could tell I was in a good place mentally. The name sounded like I was going to have superpowers afterward! Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy with Unilateral Oophorectomy. Then as I saw it written out it looked like Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious which means extraordinarily good, wonderful. This comes back to mental health and mindfulness. I have trained my brain to respond in positive ways. I hope these stories help you see that you can also respond instead of reacting. The one part you have control over is your mind. You decide who and what you listen to. You decide what is right for you. It’s possible to go through a bad situation and know you will come out better.